Image by @Santascat
Come one, come all!
@SantasCat's #skatepawty
Dec 20-21, 2014
8pm-8pm GMT Catmas pawty for Tibbsy! #wlf

Sunday, December 21, 2014

@santascat's Hidden Objects Puzzle

Click picture to expand!

Santa's Cat ‏says...
This pic has 11 things beginning with S hidden in it,let me know tomorrow if you have found them. Nite #skatepawty :-)

Tweet your finds to @santascat


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Please donate for all Mr Tibbs kitties'

  3. I would love to make somebody a special personalized picture and send it to them framed,so please bit at the auction,remember all the money goes to help Mr Tibbs kitties. Thank you all so much for supporting #skatepawty and have a wonderful Chrispmouse. xxx

  4. I would be absolutely thrilled to bid on this superbly unique and memorable souvenir from our #skatepawty pals. Hope you'll guide me through the process if I don't do it right! MOL From Pie

  5. Let's start the bidding chums! I'd love to own this super souvenir of all our pals and I bid all my pocket money from last week. *empties out wallet and bats moth* Here's £5 as a starter bid... now chums it's worth at least three moths more... and possible double my bid? Who will raise me a moth and another couple of squids for this excellent cause eh? eh?
